Lubrication of a Drawbridge and related Equipment
Follow a water way, river, stream, or canal, and you may find a drawbridge. A drawbridge is a passable span across the water that can be raised for ships and boats to pass and then lowered for normal use. There are thousands of drawbridges in the state of Florida alone, not to mention the world-famous London Bridge and many more. Most of these bridges are raised and lowered by a set of gears. Usually there is a drive which provides the power source connected to a drive or bull gear. The drive gear interacts with larger gears or with a rack attached to the bridge section to be raised or lowered. Others may be attached to cables or chains for raising and lowering the bridge section.
Lubrication of a Drawbridge and related Equipment
Most of these gears are open gear or shrouded and require unique lubrication. Most of these gears are exposed to the weather, extreme temperatures, and heavy loads. SWEPCO 164 is ideal for the open gears and is currently being used on many drawbridges in Florida, Chicago, Detroit, and the Northwest United States. SWEPCO 164 Ultra EP Open Gear Lube provides excellent corrosion resistance, works well in wet humid atmospheres, and stays in place. It will not build up on the gear tooth root which can cause misalignment and tooth breakage. SWEPCO 222 Sprayable EP Open Gear Lube is recommended for shrouded systems and will provide equal protection and performance. Both SWEPCO 164 and 222 will stay in place while providing premium performance.
A similar system of gears is commonly used on locks and dams for canals and water ways.
These systems are used to control water levels and vessel passage through a canal or water way. Most are in the weather and require an EP lubricant that will stand up to water, corrosion, and heavy loads. SWEPCO 164 Ultra EP Open Gear Lube is the recommended product for these applications.
Prior to applying SWEPCO 164 or 222 the gears must be cleaned and inspected for rust, corrosion and damage. Old lubricant and rust must be removed, and damage repaired for optimum performance and equipment life. SWEPCO Zonex-K diluted as per instructions in water, mineral spirits, or kerosene can be used to facilitate cleaning.
Source: SWEPCO®