Renewable Fuels part 1 Biodiesel
Renewable Fuels part 1 Biodiesel
There has been a lot of hype about renewable fuels over the last few years. These advances in fuel sources have been driven by The Clean Air Act to reduce smog producing exhaust, Green House Gases such as Carbon Dioxide, and the desire to reduce dependence upon foreign oil.
Biodiesel has been around for many years now and after a rough start, it is now widely available. Early ventures were based on corn and had several quality issues. Standard tests and requirements were developed to improve the fuel quality and acceptance. Sources for Biodiesel have expanded to Soybean and Canola Oils, Animal Fats, Waste Oils, and others. These materials are chemically converted to esters that easily mix with diesel fuel. Typical blends range from 2% to 20% biodiesel in diesel and designated as B2 for 2% biodiesel in diesel fuel to B20 for 20% biodiesel in diesel fuel.
According to the EPA Website, first time users of biodiesel may experience filter clogging when initially using biodiesel due to the cleaning effect of the ester to remove deposits on tank walls and pipes. Biodiesel can also degrade rubber hoses and seals in the fuels systems. Although biodiesel can help reduce Green House Gases and particulate matter, blends of B20 have shown increases in NOX depending on load and duty cycle. Biodiesel also has poor low temperature properties and may impede starting in cold climates. Finally, biodiesel has a higher cetane number but lower energy density, this will result in a 2% to 8% reduction in fuel economy.
The bottom line is that cars, buses, trucks and storage tanks need SWEPCO 501 premium-diesel-fuel-improver to keep injectors clean, improve ignition quality and ease of starting. SWEPCO 501 will increase storage stability and has improved fuel economy in older equipment. SWEPCO 501 Winter Formula will help starting and continued operation in cold climates.
Renewable Fuels part 1 Biodiesel will be followed by Renewable Fuels part 2 Bio-gasoline or Green Gasoline. This will be covered in the next Notes from the Lab, to be expected in about 2 weeks. For some info already on improvements of Gasoline, follow this link to SWEPCO 503 premium Gasoline Improver.