Through the information on this website we try to inform you as good as possible of all products and serviced offered by STRATSON.
Regarding the products, we have mentioned all SWEPCO Lubricants at present available.
For all the other products we haveselected several often requested products. To put all products of all suppliers here would be most likely too much. If you cannot find a specific items, the catalogues we have added on this page will increase you search options. On a regular basis the upcoming week we will add several catalogs.
We have started with some catalogs of MECLUBE and Pressol. Other catalogs of these brands will follow shortly.
Besides that we are working on catalogs in pdf format of other brands as well. As soon as we have them ready for publishing you will find more info here of products of:
Still looking for something and not mentioned here, please give us a call, fill in the contact form or send an e-mail to