SWEPCO 709 Universal Tractor Transmission/Hydraulic Oil
SWEPCO 709 Universal Tractor Transmission/Hydraulic Oil is a quality fluid that exceeds the industry requirements for the tractor hydraulic fluid market.
Exceeds the service performance requirement for John Deere JDM J20C/D and recommended for applications where tractor hydraulic fluids are specified.
- Meets or exceeds John Deere, New Holland, Massey-Ferguson, Ford, Agco-Allis, Komatsu, Kubota, Volvo, J.L. Case, and other tractor OEM specifications.
- Readily separates water for easy removal.
- Superior foam resistance and air release.
- Excellent wear, corrosion, and rust resistance.
- Compatible with yellow metals such as copper, brass, and bronze. A 1A on the 3 hours 121°C (250°F) test, best result available.
- SAE 10W30 for year around performance.
- Extremely low wear results on the FZG Slow -Speed Wear test. Less than 20 mg, the maximum allowed is 150 mg.
- Compatible with most competitive fluid, however a complete drain and flush is still recommended.
- Multifunctional, can be used a hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid, for wet brakes, power take-off’s, and for trans-hydraulic systems.
Where to Use:
- Tractors,
- Backhoes,
- Reapers,
- Combines,
- and most self-propelled farm and lawn equipment.
Let us show you the superior water separation of SWEPCO 709 Universal Tractor Transmission/Hydraulic Oil. We can demo how SWEPCO 709 makes it easy to remove water and condensation from the equipment. If you are experiencing water related issues with some of your other type of lubricants, please let us know.
For some more information please also read the Notes from the Lab article Tractor Lubrication and Hydraulic Hammer Lubrication. Of course you can also always contact us.
Keep it running…™
Source: SWEPCO®